Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas in Georgetown

After all the garish decorations for Halloween in Georgetown, the Christmas decorations are a bit more restrained. Here are a couple photographs.This must be the narrowest house in Georgetown, and has a wreath half as wide as the entire house.

Georgetown - Christmas 2011
Christmas in Georgetown - 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

O Christmas Tree

A set of photos including the National and Congressional Christmas Trees, as well as a few other seasonal sights around D.C.

This is the new National Christmas Tree, that replaced the old one, which blew over earlier this year. Around the National Christmas Tree are state trees. Each state is supplied with clear plastic balls to use to create decorations. A few of the states have finally learned that these balls are just going to get clouded up with moisture, and no one will be able to see what is inside. I have included a photographs of a couple state trees where the ball are decorated on the outside, so you can actually see them.

The National Christmas Tree 2011
D.C. Christmas Trees, etc. (2011)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Who Lives Here

This year's special exhibition at the U.S. Botanical Garden is called "Who Lives Here". Here is a set a photographs I took there earlier today. Everything in the exhibition—except the trains—is created from plant material by a company in Kentucky called Applied Imagination.

These photographs do not really do justice to the amount of detail included in each construction. You have to go there in person to fully appreciate these.

I have posted some photos of the exhibition in past years: 2009 & 2006

If you click the "Show Info" at the top of the slide show, you will see the title of each one.

Porcupine Place
Seasons Greetings 2011/US Botanical Garden

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Managing the Menhaden

Jelly Bean Animation

"In Your Arms" performed by Kina Grannis, a music video animated with over 1/4 million jelly beans. The music video is followed by a making of video.