From Abraham Lincoln's papers:
Balto July 1st 1861.
Major Gen'l Banks this morning caused to be arrested Howard Gatchell Hinks and Davis four of the Police Commissioners and they are now confined in Fort McHenry-- The cause of their arrest as stated in proclamation just issued is that the Head Quarters under the charge of the Board when abandoned by the officers resembled in some respects a concealed arsenal. They continued their sessions daily after public recognition and protest against the suspension of their functions. After a forced and unwarrantable construction of former proclamation they declared the Police law suspended and the Police officers put off duty intending to leave the City without any police protection. Refused to recognize the officers appointed by the Provost Marshal and held subject to their orders the old police armed for same some purpose not known to the Government and in consistinconsistent with its peace and security. The military were ordered into the City and now occupy some of the most prominent points. The ordinary municipal affairs are not to be interfered with. The news from Fortress Monroe is unimportant four secession pickets were arrested and are detained at the Fort.
Marriot Boswell
This eventually resulted in the federal occupation of Federal Hill with cannons trained on the city, as shown in this photograph.

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