Saturday, May 8, 2010

Music by Prudence

I saw two of the movies I said this morning that I was going to see. Night Catches Us was sold out, but I have a ticket now to see it Saturday night. Of the other two I liked God's Architects the best. It covers five different men who are divinely inspired to build or sculpt. All five were incredibly fascinating.

I saw two more movies this evening. James Franco's Saturday Night was a documentary that covers the process of creating an episode of
Saturday Night Live, during a week in December when John Malkovich was host. It was interesting to see the behind the scenes that goes on to creating a show.

These best of the movies I was tonight was the Oscar winning short documentary, Music by Prudence. This is one of those stories that is so compelling that it would be hard to make a bad movie about it. After the movie the main character, Prudence Mabhena, came on stage and sang several songs and answered questions. She has an amazing voice, and was so charismatic. It is hard to image that someone who has been through what she has, could overcome it to achieve what she has. Here is a clip of the director discussing the film.

Here is aa Al Jazeera report on Prudence's return to Zimbabwe after the film won the Oscar.

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